Knowledge Webs
Smarter Citizenship


Knowledge Webs for Smarter Citizenship

City Partnership : Semiotic Web

Schedule a Demo - eMail our Business Development team ( to schedule a Meeting after Sep 15, 2023

Prarang has been building & testing its Content & Analytics solutions for several years in four different sized Cities/District Capitals (DHQs) of India, representative of the 768 Cities/DHQs of the country. For the past 4 years ( including Covid lockdowns), we have been testing & analyzing what, how & why each City reads or not-reads, everyday. Our daily & end of month metrics from various social media feeds provide a unique insight to the impact/usage of the internet ( & mobile phones) in specific locations of India, especially when measured in the context of each location's respective socio-economic & culture-nature metrics. This multidisciplinary metrics driven approach offers a definition of a City Semiotic web, fundamentally rooted in linguistics.

Alongside the traditional forms of Advertising ( Newspapers, Outdoors, Radio/TV etc) in each City/District HQ, the world wide web has been growing in a unique way in India, actually by-passing assumed benefits of Web 1.0 & Web 2.0, even as it now introduces Web 3.0. Prarang aims to fill many of these gaps, specifically for each City/District HQ, as it introduces its product range. We seek long term ( Six months to Two year partnerships) for each City/DHQ now. This opens an exclusive Advertising opportunity for our City-Partners -
